Saturday, May 27, 2017

Understanding my Pulse Oximeter

I have a Pulse Oximeter, specifically a CMS 50D+.

An excellent in-depth review of Pulse Oximeter technology is available here.

My device is connected via USB to a computer running Windows XP or a computer running Ubuntu.


The device came with drivers and software for Windows.

When I exit the session, I am prompted to save the metadata and data.

Data is saved to "C:\Program Files\SpO2\Data"
Output is three files: <name>.csv, <name>.spo, and <name>_wave.csv
The "<name>.csv" is two columns: sp0 and pulse rate. The "<name>_wave.csv" appears to be the photoplethysmogram


On Ubuntu I installed SleepyHead.

To install the package in Ubuntu on the command line,

sudo dpkg -i sleepyhead_0.9.2-1_i386.deb
To open the GUI,
To view the saved data,
cd ~/Documents/SleepyHeadData/Profiles/ben/
then go into the most recent directory
cd CMS50_560ee6c6

Parsing the output of pulse oximeters is discussed for the Clinical Guard CMS 50EW.

1 comment:

  1. Latest software is available from and
