Monday, May 8, 2017

Social meditation is a great tool for exploration

I knew that I didn't understand other people. I didn't have any channel to understand other people; merely observation of their behavior.

I started practicing social meditation. Dyads (two people engaged directly) and playing with convention generated evidence that I could improve my understanding through interaction with individuals.
I am on apple, you are an orange. I have some baseline similarities (breath, eat, sleep), but I don't know your experience.

Now I am curious about other people. I want to understand their thinking, feel their emotion, understand their motivation.
--> Am I curious so that I can judge these aspects?
No everyone is introspective. Not each person has emotional depth. How do I respond to that?

This curiosity is not simply intellectual. I want to have an emotional bond with other people.
How do I form a bond? By talking with individuals, by spending time with them.

It helps to seed my interaction with other people with love and kindness.
How do I convey my love? Through my action, speech, presence, vulnerability.
How to love without knowing someone?
How to love badness?
How to love someone who is harming you? Harming others? Has harmed in the past?

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