Monday, May 8, 2017

observations during social meditation weekend retreat

People feel fear of failure, fear of judgment and rejection
A normal response to fear is control. Another response if avoidance of situations in which fear is triggered.

Just as I practice playfulness in yoga, there can also be playfulness in meditation and playfulness in social meditation .

I am an orange; you are an apple. I am curious about your experience. I have some idea of what you're experiencing, but I don't know you deeply.

Constraints: Love, money, time

Globalization yields progress (medical, technological), while our psychology has evolved to support tribalism.

Everyone is reasoning either emotionally, applying local cost benefit logic, or optimizing globally

Cost benefit doesn't say which decisions should be made
Reduce suffering  of all people. What about future people?

Need compassion, intelligence, and action.
  1. compassion for the suffering of others
  2. intelligence to think of useful action
  3. desire to act

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